Plans > Mobility


Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP):

The Cabarrus-Rowan MPO released the draft 2050 MTP for public comment at the January 26, 2022 meeting. The MTP includes the following topics: financial forecasts, project identification, mapping, goals and objectives, and socioeconomic projects. The public comment period will run through March 9, 2022. An air quality conformity determination was also required due to the Clean Air Act’s requirement that the MPO’s plans and programs conform to the purpose of the state implementation plan (SIP) for achieving air quality standards. The MPO adopted both documents at their March 23, 2022 meeting. These documents can be found here. 

Metrolina 2050 MTP CDR

2050 MTP Report

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Goals and Objectives

Chapter 3 - Public Involvement

Chapter 4 - Existing and Future Conditions

Chapter 5 - Transportation Elements

Chapter 6 - Safety and Security

Chapter 7 - Performance Measures

Chapter 8 - Financial Plan

Chapter 9 - Congestion Management Process

Chapter 10 - Environmental Resource Evaluation

Chapter 11 - Environmental Justice

Chapter 12 - Ten Planning Factors

Chapter 13 - Conclusion

Appendix A

Appendix B

***The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data provided by this web site is a public resource of general information. The data provided is maintained by various local, state, and federal agencies. While the maps and data provided on these web pages are believed to be accurate and true, they should not be considered or used as a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained within. The GIS data provided by the MPO for this web site is made without warranty available and on the condition that the user willingly agrees to waive any and all claims that may be brought against the jurisdictions in Cabarrus and Rowan counties, its contractors, and/or its employees.

By accessing this data you are releasing the MPO, its contractors, and its employees from all liability that may occur from any omissions, errors, or inaccuracies in the data.

NC § 153A-463

Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Index and map is the long range plan for road improvements in the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO Area. This plan is a financially unconstrained view of the future road network. The Index reflects existing cross section and right-of-way, future cross sections, and future right-of-way. The table, typical cross sections, and map are listed below:

CTP Index
CTP Maps
NCDOT Typical Cross Sections Part 1
NCDOT Typical Cross Sections Part 2
Traffic Counts


Performance-Based Planning and Programming

Monitoring system performance, establishing targets, and integrating PBPP into its other transportation planning activities are the primary responsibilities of CR MPO related to performance management. Coordination plays a key role in accomplishing these tasks. The CR MPO has worked closely with NCDOT and Rider Transit to monitor this process in order to establish and update targets and plans when necessary and incorporate performance management into related initiatives. Provisions for documenting CRMPO’s responsibilities, collecting and sharing data, and setting and reporting targets are found in the Performance Management Agreement.  

Performance measures and targets have been incorporated into CRMPO’s plans and processes, including the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  In addition, the MPO Board has consistently incorporated the safety performance measures established by NCDOT into the adopted MTP. The most recent resolution can be found here. Additional archived resolutions are located here.


Congestion Management Process

The CMP is a systematic process that provides information on transportation system performance and alternative strategies to alleviate congestion and enhance the mobility of persons and goods to levels that meet state and local needs.  The operative word in this phrase is systematic and a CMP must serve as a consistent ongoing evaluation of congestion and mobility to be completely effective.  Not all congestion is bad, particularly as it relates to influence on the shift in mode choice or transit attractiveness.  Hence, the acceptable system performance may vary by transportation mode, time of day, or facility type.  The CMP establishes criteria or parameters for locally acceptable standards of mobility in terms of travel time or delay.  These parameters set the framework for monitoring/tracking the progress of congestion from a system or corridor level. Data sources such as those provided thru the I-95 Coalition enable policy makers to determine the effectiveness of strategies in addressing bottlenecks and congested choke points.  

Interstate Bottlenecks

Time of Day Congestion - Cabarrus

Time of Day Congestion - Rowan

AM and PM Peak Period MRM - Cabarrus

AM and PM Peak Period MRM - Rowan

Triad Regional (Rowan) ITS Strategic Deployment Plan